Save Tara - Sample Letter...

The letter need only be a few lines, and we ask that your opinions are expressed politely.

Send Emails:

Generally, only the email subject heading will be read, therefore it is important to include your location and reference to Tara in the e-mail Subject line.

For example:

Subject: "Stop Destruction of Tara – from Melbourne, Australia"
Subject: "Save Tara – from Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A."

We want to demonstrate that people all over the world sincerely wish to protect Tara.

Write a Letter:

Be sure to state your country of residence. Letters have a strong impact because they will be physically opened by staff, and generally, they require a reply. Write as often as you can.

Sample Letter:

I wish to express my concern regarding plans to build the M3 freeway through the Hill of Tara/Skryne Vallley. There are other options available. These include: improving the existing N3; re-opening the Navan-Dublin railway line; or moving the M3 away from this delicate archaeological landscape.

From ancient times, the Hill of Tara has been the ceremonial and mythical ancient capital of Ireland and universally recognized as the "heart and soul of Ireland."

It would be a tragic irony to see a super highway cut into this beautiful landmark. Since tourism is essential to Ireland's economy, it should be remembered that visitors come to Ireland to see the beauty of the landscape, and to celebrate the unique character of Irish cultural heritage.

I look forward to your reply, and in the meantime urge you to oppose the imminent despoilment of Tara by the M3 motorway, and to do all you can in working for the reversal of this disastrous decision.


The Undersigned

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