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"To come together in every experience; to know the power and the glow of at-one-ment.
That is our goal—to be united in the centre of our being_in_love."
- Maireid Sullivan

Quotes of the week

"There is nothing more tenacious than tradition, nothing more firmly rooted than the ancient beliefs and systems of thought when they are concealed within new forms.
... the myths never die, they are constantly being revived in new and varied shapes,
and sometimes surprise us in unexpected places,"
Jean Markale (1928-2008), Women of the Celts (US edition 1986).
[Historian Markale takes us deep into a mythical world
where both man and woman become whole
by realizing the feminine principle in its entirety.]

“It is now highly feasible to take care of everybody on Earth as a higher standard of living than any have ever known. It no longer has to be you or me. Selfishness is unnecessary. War is obsolete, It is a matter of converting the high technology from weaponry to lovingly.”
- R. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)

“It is a mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

- attributed to Aristotle (384-322BCE)

It's your world! 
Paris, 10 December 1948:
The United Nations
General Assembly issued
a Universal Declaration
of Human Rights.
Article 29.1
"Everyone has duties to the community in which
the free and full development
of his personality is possible."

Action = Impact
"Sometime this century, after 4 billion years, some of Earth’s regulatory systems will pass
from control through evolution by natural selection to control by human intelligence.
Will humanity rise to the challenge?"

Professor Tim Flannery, 2008

Economic Rent
"There is a big discovery
to be made, and this lies
in an epochal change -
the rediscovery
of Resource Rent
(aka economic rent) 
Surely, after all, it is
civilisations that fail
to evolve by not correcting
their mistakes that die."
Bryan Kavanagh

"Government 'of the people,
by the people and for the people' requires public capture
of Economic Rent–the whole Rent,
and nothing but the Rent.

Maireid Sullivan

Maintaining pH Balance
= oxygen intake
= nutrient absorption
= healthy longevity
= healing and growth.
Laughing Matters
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