Recommended Reading . . .
by Maireid Sullivan
Work in progress

Singing for Joy!
How Music Works: what happens to your brain when you sing?

Hidden link-through pages not listed in menu:


Remembering Henry George

The Mason Gaffney Reader

Professor Mason Gaffney reviews Thomas Piketty

What Happened to Occupy Wall St? - A Christmas Message From America's Rich

Who Rules America?

Friedrich Hayek - BBC Masters of Money

Obituary, 2000: Will Lissner, 91, Times Reporter Who Specialized in Economics

Irish history

Reflecting on an essential epiphany:
Our Heritage of Joy, by Maireid Sullivan, 2000 to 2001

The Irish Famine Curriculum by James Mullin

Michael Davitt: "Father of the Irish National Land League"

Emer O’Siochru - The Irish Boom-Bust 'model' cycle
"A liquidity problem quickly turned out to be a solvency problem."

Bryan Kavanagh - Lessons from Ireland: Resource rents hold the property key (2005)

Martin Dire - Fourknocks, An Interpretation

Jason Kirkey - The Way of Anam Cara: Friendship and Healing in the Celtic Traditions

John O'Donohue... In Memoriam

Australian history

Australian Early Settlement

Gary Lewis Ph.D. Australian historian and author- "Edgar Parnell’s Prayer ‘Down Under’" (2000): A history of the coop movement.

How Labor Lost It's Way (1984)
by The Honourable Clyde Cameron AO (1913-2008, Obituary) served in the Australian House of Representatives for 31 years, from 1949 to 1980, including as Minister for Labour (1972-1975), as a Cabinet minister in the Whitlam government. 

“Home Truths” ABC–Four Corners (2016)
"It used to be that Australians would spend 3 or 4 times their annual income on a house. Now it's 10, 20, even 30 times."

American History

Noeleen McIlvenna, (2009), A Very Mutinous People: The Struggle for North Carolina, 1660-1713 (documenting the beginning of the British empire)

Mark Twain's answer to the question: Was the World Made for Man? (1903)

Critical Review: Carle C. Zimmerman (1947), "Family and Civilization".

Bryan Kavanagh - Rescuing Americans from the 1% (2011)

William Domhoff - Who Rules America (2011)

John Ralston Saul - The Cult of Neoliberalism (2015)

Voluntary Servitude - 1548: Étienne de la Boétie's Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
English translation by Harry Kurz (1942).

Professor Leonard Shlain - The Alphabet vs The Goddess (1998)
– the evolution of Visionary vs Analytical thought

ABC-RN: Longevity - Immortality...reality? (2012)

Public acceptance of evolution in 34 countries, 2005.

"Sometime this century, after four billion years, some of Earth’s regulatory systems will pass from control through evolution by natural selection, to control by human intelligence.
Will humanity rise to the challenge?"
– Professor Tim Flannery, 2008,
Monash University 50th anniversary keynote lecture

Leo Tolstoy

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